Trust Issues: Stories by K.P. Davis

Trust Issues: Stories contains 20 tales of hard-headed folk fighting to be heard when nobody listens.

Preliminary front cover for TRUST ISSUES: STORIES, a new collection by K.P. Davis. the image shows a stylized photo of a woman in sunglasses with a hummingbird pecking at a drawn on hibiscus flower. The woman peers over the top of the sunglasses. The colors are brignt yellow, pink, and blue.

This is a collection of short stories focused on marginalized citizens, mostly women, carrying on their daily struggles in a dangerous world. Someone or something lurks around every corner, but the characters in these stories have come prepared. They include Nell, an antisocial, nomadic, shade-tree mechanic and getaway driver; ‘Bula, an odd girl who talks to animals, and a whole host of others who follow lonely paths spreading empathy while kicking ass. The endings aren’t always happy, because as the final story tells us, “Sh*t Happens.” The stories take place in modern America and the Caribbean. These women have plenty of reasons to be afraid, but they Keep. On. Going.

Praise for Trust Issues by K.P. Davis

Trust Issues by KP Davis hits hard and spares readers fantastical notions of the American Dream. These stories expose human vulnerability and ruthlessness through immersive and urgent scenes. Protagonists navigate hostile landscapes and carry on in their myriad ways–either by exhibiting fortitude and resilience or doubling down on the only reality they know and can imagine.

– Jen Knox, author of Chaos Magic

About the Author

Author Kimberly Parish (KP) Davis. She is a white woman standing in a bookstore. She has long brown hair and wire rimmed glasses. She wears a blue scarf.

Kimberly Parish (K.P.) Davis was once upon a time an adrenaline junkie. Director and founder of Madville Publishing, she grew up in Texas, where she lives today, but sailed around the world as a chef aboard private yachts for fifteen years before returning to home. Her short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have been published in literary journals, anthologies, and online.

author photo by Jacqueline Davis