Cinematic short stories can lead to screenwriting
Screenwriting is not an area I’ve been brave enough to compete in before, but over the last few months, recognizing that I’ve been writing a lot more than I’ve been submitting, I tried submitting to this one on a lark. I feel vindicated in my writing that somebody read my story and thought it worthy of a little bit of recognition.
The story is an action-packed, humor-laced piece with a character named Nell who I based on the Sarah Connor of the Terminator II movie. She’s tough as nails and loves to drive. There are a couple of other memorable characters. I’ve written one other story about Nell, but she’s in my head every time I get behind the wheel and enter the death race that is I-35!
I first transposed Nell from a whisp of an idea, the elemental road warrior in my head, onto paper for a workshop with Christine Sneed in 2018.
My short story, “Trust Issues,” has made the quarter finals in a screenwriting contest!
I’d love to give you a little taste of the story, but it’s wiser to wait and see if it can get any further in this particular competition first.