Trust Issues has a cover! Things are beginning to happen with my new short story collection, Trust Issues. We now know what the cover will look like! I did a final round of edits and turned it in yesterday. My editor says I can share the cover, and that Cornerstone Press plans to have the…
This fiction category showcases Kimberly Parish Davis’ fiction publications. In some cases the stories mentioned are available to read here, but in the case of competitions, the stories are yet to be published, and therefore are not available to read here. If somethings sounds interesting and you’d like a private copy to read, get in touch!
Cornerstone Press to Publish K. P. Davis’ Stories
I signed a contract for a short story collection with Cornerstone Press.
“Engineering the Apocalypse”
Many thanks to Mandy Haynes and Well Read Magazine for publishing my story, “Engineering the Apocalypse.” What a nice thing to wake up to first thing on New Year’s Day 2024. This story, “Engineering the Apocalypse” is one I wrote initiallly for a flash fiction contest, and while it did well in the NYC Midnight…
One of my oldest stories
“The Messenger” Many thanks to Michael Simms at Vox Populi for selecting this, one of my oldest stories, for republication. (To read the story, click the link above.) I’m pretty sure I started writing it in 1976, in one of those headlong panics the night before a paper or story is due. I would have…
The Magic Airplane
“Her Daddy had promised her the airplane would fly and that she would be able to use it any time she liked to fly to him.”
Cinematic short stories can lead to screenwriting Screenwriting is not an area I’ve been brave enough to compete in before, but over the last few months, recognizing that I’ve been writing a lot more than I’ve been submitting, I tried submitting to this one on a lark. I feel vindicated in my writing that somebody…
Taking Stock
I’m taking stock of what I’ve written during the pandemic.
Three Publications in a Week
It’s a rare week to receive printed proof that someone thought enough of it to include it next to other people’s work they thought enough of to publish in a journal. So I was triply delighted this week when not one, but three publications I’ve been waiting for appeared in my mailbox. They are: A…
A Simple Twist of Fate
“A Simple Twist of Fate” is going to appear in Kestrel! “A Simple Twist of Fate” is my latest short story, and it has just been accepted for publication by Kestrel: A Journal of Literature and Art. It will be included in Issue 43, which will be out by September 1 at the latest the…
Micro-fiction 50-Word Story
Writing micro-fiction is an act of puzzle making. Micro-fiction is a style I have been uncertain about trying, so this publication came as a total surprise. I wrote this 50-word story last week at the prompting of Siobhan Wright who has been running an online writers workshop at The culmination of this particular prompt…