“Sleeping Sickness” is a new story of mine that has just been published. It’s nonfiction–a tiny piece of that memoir people keep telling me to write. My parents don’t always come out smelling of roses in these stories, and I hope folks aren’t offended. I think there’s value in recording the stories, even if it’s just for my own future generations. I am really glad now that I begged Mom to write at least a few of her stories down. You lose the detail so quickly after someone’s gone.
Read the entire December issue of Well Read Magazine. Mandy does a great job each month. (And she likes my stories!) She’s a great writer as well, and if you flip through the entire magazine, you’ll find links to Mandy’s work, too. Meanwhile, this link should take you straight to my story, “Sleeping Sickness”:
Stories similar to “Sleeping Sickness” that have been published already:
- “Bracketville, Texas, 1964”: https://kpdavis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Flare-S2020-BracketvilleTX1964-web.pdf
- “Cheating Songs”: https://kpdavis.com/personal-essay/cheating-songs/
- “The Contract Fulfilled”: https://kpdavis.com/fiction/flash-fiction/micro-fiction/
- Mom’s stories: https://issuu.com/kimdavis54/docs/pcole