I was pleased to learn today that my novel-in-progress, Finding Cabo Rojo, received some recognition from the judges of the 2017 Faulkner-Wisdom competition. It made it to the semi-finals, and I heard through the grapevine they had more submissions this year than they have ever had before. I’ll consider it a win. I’m thrilled!
This fiction category showcases Kimberly Parish Davis’ fiction publications. In some cases the stories mentioned are available to read here, but in the case of competitions, the stories are yet to be published, and therefore are not available to read here. If somethings sounds interesting and you’d like a private copy to read, get in touch!
I will be writing
This year I signed up for the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge. I think it is the same challenge I wrote for last year but the name changed. In any case, this weekend is round two, so I plan to be writing. I really like my round one story, and it scored respectably, so hopefully…
Flash Fiction Prize
I won a flash fiction prize in the Cracked Flash Fiction Competition in December 2016. My piece was entitled “The Understanding.” You can read it HERE, or you can just scroll down the page. I decided to post a screenshot as this news is a couple of years old now, and you just never know…
Honorable Mention for “The Art of the Bargain”
I’m pleased that my 2nd round story for the NYC Short Story Challenge 2016, “The Art of the Bargain,” received an honorable mention. Only four stories advanced to round three from each heat, and I was number 5. I’m still proud to have made it that far. I’ll certainly participate in this contest again. It…
Round 2–NYC Short Story Challenge
I made it to the second round of the 10th Annual NYC Short Story Challenge! My story, “Chumming for Sharks,” is a thriller about assuming a new identity with an unannounced house guest somewhere in it. I spent last weekend writing my second round story, a fairy tale about breaking a rule with a character…
My Story Won a Prize!
This summer I participated once again in the WritersWeekly.com 24-Hour Short Story contest, and I won a prize. Okay, I didn’t place in the top three, so the prize was not of the cash variety, but my story was recognized as “worthy” which is far more important to me. The story is titled, “The Meek…
Strings of Solace
By Kim Davis © 2011 Late, late, late! It seemed like no matter how early she started getting ready she just could not get out of the apartment on time. Now she was going to blow her interview with Dr. Bonham before she ever got there. Crap! Of course she had neglected to plan enough…
Point of View Exercise
Part 1: Two Voices: Person #1 It was 5:59 a.m. as Larry made his way from the back storeroom up the big center aisle past the heaped sales tables to the glass doors. He could feel the tension in the air as the press of women bore down on the plate glass. He hoped it…
Steering the Craft
In 2010 I belonged to the Madison County Writers Guild where we worked our way through Ursula K. Le Guin’s Steering the Craft. It was a lot of fun. Here’s a part of the first exercise we did. The instructions were to write a paragraph that included at least three repetitions of a noun, verb, or adjective. Crunch, crunch, crunch,…