My life is pretty chaotic. I am a publisher, sometimes professor, mother, and wife. I have a house full of animals to care for and an acre of land to “husband.” My kids are grown, but they still turn to me to sort stuff out. And until recently, I had at least one aging parent…
This fiction category showcases Kimberly Parish Davis’ fiction publications. In some cases the stories mentioned are available to read here, but in the case of competitions, the stories are yet to be published, and therefore are not available to read here. If somethings sounds interesting and you’d like a private copy to read, get in touch!
NYC Midnight FF Challenge 2019
It’s that time of year again. The results have just come in for the first round of the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction challenge. My stories do a little better each year. Honestly, I’d like to be challenged this way on a weekly basis. No telling how fast I might improve… “Bracketville, Texas, November 1964,” placed…
Long Lost Story
I just came across a long lost story! I never knew this micro-story I wrote won a prize. I was looking for the judge’s name from a previous story of mine that won a prize (“The Understanding”), when I stumbled across another flash piece I’d obviously sent them that was chosen top story that week…
Do You Know the Bunny Hop?
“Do You Know the Bunny Hop?” Origins I wrote “Do You Know the Bunny Hop?” for a competition in which it placed but was not published. I don’t remember the entire prompt, and I’d have to search to figure out who sponsored that original competition. I was attracted to the idea of writing about someone…
Strings of Solace–on Jerry Jazz Musician
Origins of the story I wrote “Strings of Solace” for my first MFA workshop. It’s been languishing in my “to be published” pile for far too long. I’m proud to be able to share it with the world at last. Of course, It’s been through many edits since it’s earliest version, but that is what…
So Close
My Flash Fiction submissions keep placing The results are in for round two of the 2018 NYC Midnight Flash Fiction competition. I needed to be in the top five for my group of 30. I was the sixth. 🙁 I scored 19 cumulative points for my first two stories. My nearest competitor scored 20. I’m…
I Placed–NYCMidnight Flash Fiction Challenge
I write flash fiction for fun. A few times a year, I write flash fiction very fast to address a crazy mixed-up prompt. That’s what I call fun, but it is even more fun when someone else likes the result. My story for round one of this year’s NYCMidnight Flash Fiction Challenge is titled “A…
The Meek Inherit to appear in FLAR
The Spring/Summer 2018 issue of FLAR is out! My story, “The Meek Inherit” is on page 205. It’s about a boy and his chicken. Chickens make such great subjects, don’t you think? Let me know how you like it! Here is the link to the full issue: About FLAR Here is the link to FLAR’s…
Three of MY Stories in Helix Magazine
I have proof at last. Three of my stories appear in this one issue of Helix Magazine. I’d give you a link to their pages so you could buy a copy, but I have yet to find that. So, if you would like to read any of these stories, let me know and I will…
Wonky Email Delays Gratification
While still feeling smug about the Faulkner-Wisdom folks saying they liked my novel-in-progress, I logged into Submittable to see what I still have in the active column, with a view to submitting something somewhere. I clicked the “Accepted” tab by accident, knowing I have received no notifications, but three of my story titles were there…